Thursday, December 9, 2010

Google Chrome App Market Is Awesome

Google Chrome has been getting all kinds of press recently as they continue to develop their OS. I've been a Mac user my whole life, but would seriously consider a PC for personal use if this OS comes to fruition. I use Chrome as my browser and the app functionality really blows me away. Take the above Gilt Group app for mimics the functionality of the iPhone/iPad app that Gilt built and it takes full advantage of the visual space allotted by the browser. It's this type functionality that is totally changing the way we view a browser, and more importantly, the way designers and developers look at the browser and OS landscape.

In theory, if the app market continues to grow, I'm willing to bet certain brands move their emphasis from an engaging destination site to a fully functional app. Gilt Groupe is the perfect example; looking at the app, and understanding this is a retail company, why would they ever need a site when an app is so much easier to develop and manage?

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