Monday, September 13, 2010

YouTube Live Streaming Starts at 8am PST

Well, for a two day test that is. YouTube has moved slowly into the live streaming. How do you think it will pan out?

Check out the schedule below to see if any of the programming tickles your fancy.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are You A Seller Or A Marketer?

No no, don't get me wrong, one isn't better or worse than the other. I've been having a rash of conversations lately about sales style, sales strategy, sales tactics, sales, sales SALES. And I don't even think I consider myself a salesman. But I think we should all understand the distinction between the two types of people who do this day in day out. No matter what part of the digital business you play in, be it agency, publisher, tech vendor, or creative, we all sell something. So in my opinion, there are two types of salespeople:

1) The Salesman (or woman)
It's Alec Baldwin in Glengarry. It's Brian Dennehy in Tommy Boy. These cats can sell online ad space, fur coats, rich media, design elements, grape sodas and a bucket of chicken. They just have it. People inherently trust them and they listen to people's problems. A true sale is an unbelievable process to watch. It's action-reaction, it's quick thinking, it's knowing the asker's question before you even hear it. These people are pillars in the online ad game, and no matter where they go, they always have a book of business from people who KNOW they won't be steered wrong. These people are polished, structured, buttoned up. I envy these people.

2) The Marketer
Marketers don't just consider the final sale, they understand the marketing umbrella, and where advertising plays a role. They think about the brand, the product, the customer, the market, the competitors, the look, the feel, the taste (maybe?). A true marketer understands these pieces, and recognizes that sales is either a natural byproduct, or a necessary evil. Marketers fall on both sides of the supply-demand conversation in advertising. Some straddle that line and bounce back and forth based on their recent employment opportunity. For better or worse, these are tactical problem solvers, and consider the big picture.

Let me repeat; I don't consider one stronger than the other. And I'm not making a plea to be bucketed or to bucket anyone. I just wanted to talk about the difference and the importance of both in advertising.

So who are you?