Tuesday, October 7, 2008

GMAIL Develops ‘Mail Goggles’ For the Drunk Emailer

We all get that urge late at night sometimes to call an ex, or write an email to one of your co-workers about how much you hate them. But lots of times, those are bad decisions. Luckily, Google is the most benevolent, swellest, sweetest group of engineers who want to look out for us in every way. Or they are a government funded operation to penetrate into the personal information and data that is the world.

Either way, word is that Google is developing a system for you to double check your late night emails by doing some simple math. An engineer from Google writing for the GMAILBlog announced today the system would be developed to where you could set time restrictions on when the Mail Goggles featured is turned on. It’d default setting is late nights on the weekends, when inebriation is potentially at its peak.

Let me know if you think Google is lying to everyone about this, and its just a prank.

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