Monday, January 3, 2011

Verizon iPhone News: Apple Will Release 21 Million iPhones, 5 Million CDMA iPhones | The APPera

We've all been hearing the Taiwanese stories leaking the shipment of about 14 million CDMA powered iPhones to the states. And for those keeping score at home, Verizon runs a CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) network here in the states, AT&T runs a GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications). Ipso facto, the Verizon rumors are feeling more and more legit.

Being that it's the new year, here are my hopeful predictions for this whole situation:
1) Tons of AT&T iPhone users scramble to cancel their plans and move to Verizon. In turn, the crowded freeway that is the AT&T network opens up and I stop dropping calls in downtown San Francisco. Run for the hills I say!

2) The price of the iPhone takes a small dip now that the scarcity of providers is relieved. With AT&T being the only option thus far, they and Apple can charge whatever they like. Hopefully, adding another carrier ups everyones game and makes it a bit more price accessible. Let's be fair though, it isn't outlandish at $200 for new users.

3) AT&T has needed a check on their apparent claims that they are working on expanding/fixing their struggling network and service. Until now, we've had to put up with their shite service because we had no options. If you want an iPhone, you have to take the AT&T service with it. But no more. Customers can now demand phenomenal service and product updates because we have the most threatening negotiating tactic in the world; the walk out. Ask George Costanza about the walk out. It's unbeatable.

Verizon iPhone News: Apple Will Release 21 Million iPhones, 5 Million CDMA iPhones | The APPera

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