We all have our resources for the latest and greatest, the smartest and brightest. My greatest source for making myself a smarter ad man is Jim Nichols aka The Oldest Living Digital Marketer (self-proclaimed and undisputed). Not only is he one the greatest marketing strategists I've known, he is also the key to finding the blow your mind tech-startups. Believe you me, filtering the pretty from the ugly is no easy feat, but Jim's Company of The Day posts are not to be missed.
Today's post covers Solve Media, who have sought out to do away with the annoying 'prove I'm not a robot' fill in's as you see below, and they've replaced them with a simple ad supported model:
Here's a quick tease to the full story:
I've written about Solve Media before, but I thought I'd begin this new series of "company of the day" by starting with them. They offer a solution that replaces those unbloodybelievably annoying Captchas with ads that ask the consumer to type in a brand message where they used to have to type gibberish.
I thought of Solve as I watched my father one morning struggling to read the Captcha on Yahoo mail, then switching to the audio alternative, then switching back to the text, in order to create a new email account. He managed after about 40 seconds, but the opportunity of eliminating that wasted time and palpable aggravation is one of the reasons why this platform is doing so well.
To catch the rest of the story, head on over to Oldest Living.
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