Friday, September 26, 2008

Spending In A Down Economy

Just thinking out loud a bit here...everyone talks about how money is tight in a down economy. People want to spend less, venture capitalists fund fewer companies or simpy provide less dollars, and advertisers cut budgets.

I relate the down economy to a traffic jam. In slow moving traffic on the freeway, if everyone just stepped on the gas at the same time, we would all move smoothly. Despite some instances, the freeway keeps on going and we aren't running out of road. Similarly, if everyone decided not to panic and just kept buying their same groceries and investing in their same funds and companies, everything would be fine. It's the one guy pumping his brakes because he's panicking that throws everyone else off.


  1. That's actually a very astute observation, and in our society right now, it is the media that more often than not causes that guy to hit the brakes. Perception is everything, and the sound and visual bytes control societal perception. Unemployment is barely above where it has been for years, wages are steady, but people are told they are in bad they feel that they are. Horseshit I say.

  2. Chuck how goes it? Is this time of ours, young studs like your son and myself need th guidance of a financial man like yourself. I just might be pestering your boy to talk to yu about financial advice.
