Friday, September 19, 2008

Crowdsourcing And The Effects On Our industry

If you haven't heard the term thrown around yet, you will soon. Crowdsourcing is the act of taking a certain act or job to a group of people and having the power of the mob decide the best way to complete said job.

With many of the top advertising agencies becoming more and more disinter mediated, overhead costs going up in a floundering economy, and the need for fresh new opinions in a fragmented media world, crowdsourcing may very well be the answer.

Crowdsourcing can have a thunderous impact in many different sectors of the ad world, including both media and creative. Everyday we see different videos online on YouTube or Daily Motion or (fill in video destination of your choice), and we think to ourselves, “wow that person must be doing really well to have created such an inspiring piece.” The fact is there is a massive waste of creative going on, because of I house creative teams, lack of resources for up and coming talent, and a media world with more channels than one can count. I see crowdsourcing as being an answer to that major problem, and I’m definitely on the lookout for a company that can solve this issue.

Also, for an interesting read, check out Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business by Jeff Howe.

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