Thanks to MoFuse's easy to use dashboard, I've given my mobile blog a more personalized custom logo. Thank goodness for easy solutions to emerging platforms!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Digi-Mobile Gets A Facelift
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Distinguishing Features In The Network Space
Digital media is flooded with ad networks claiming reach, robust targeting, etc. It’s not an easy process to sift through them all in order to properly choose the one that will execute your campaign goals effectively. Most horizontal networks will claim massive reach and low cost, while several of the quality verticals which will provide that level of targeting that can’t be found elsewhere. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
Sportgenic, a vertical network focused on sports enthusiasts, published a great white paper today on differentiating between networks, and how to choose the right one. Authored by CEO Robert Tas, it has some fantastic insights and is a worthy read.
It’s being picked up in some trades too… see below:
Friday, July 25, 2008
It’s Throwback Friday Thanks To ZVUE
ZVUE Corporation, which manufactures handheld media players and owns web properties in the form of popsauce network (home to the famous eBaum’s World), today launched the latest rendition of their personal media device. The picture above has already blown my cover, so yes, it is Journey themed. And yes, it comes pre- loaded with 22 Journey tracks.
It’s awesome because Journey is the most hilarious band to ever be considered legends of rock. It’s awesome because the players is designed like an old van that Journey groupies would drive around in. And it’s awesome because Journey is awesome.
Thanks for inspiring Journey Friday ZVUE. There will be fist pumping and head banging all day.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Clarity to Solve Problems
I’m 30,000 feet in the air, journeying from San Francisco to the Big Apple. Five and half hours is an absolute eternity for someone like me to simply sit and watch time pass. I’m thoroughly enjoying Bryce Clayton’s The Power of One and the eclectic sounds of Jason Mraz’s “We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things.” An introvert at heart, I can’t help from getting somewhat prophetic as I spend hours alone with my thoughts and petty distractions of the airplane environment.
My business is in strategy; the strategy to grow a new digital business, or to examine how a current business is operating in the digital space, and then provide recommendations from the resulting insights. The most interesting part of this endeavor is that I work for a burgeoning business as well, and we constantly find ourselves face to face with hurdles, not unlike our clients. So it got me thinking, how do you solve problems? Or how do you have the foresight to prepare for a potential hurdle?
1) Think about where you want to be in 3-6 months, and then think about what you have to do tomorrow to start getting there.
I find regularly that people are so interested in the big picture, that little steps get overlooked. This outlook makes every task seem colossal, and can often keep you from completing the small steps en route to your goal. Make small attainable goals for your business. NASA didn’t get to the moon in a day.
2) Constantly re-evaluate how you got to where you are.
Hindsight is an unbelievably powerful tool, and rarely does the knowledge hit us right when we need it. In the spirit of progress and development, be sure to learn from your own business’ history. Track your steps, highlight your successes, and learn from your mistakes. Those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it. Simultaneously, the best thing about the past is that it has passed. Digest your learnings and move on.
3) Know your strengths, but don’t be bound by what’s always worked.
Every successful business is exceptional at something, hopefully many things. Be an expert at what you do, but don’t be afraid to improve upon that working solution. Do it once, do it twice, and then do it again. Once you’ve mastered your core business offering, you will be able to spin it to be so much more. If you can devise a way to execute your strengths in different and interesting ways, your business can have unbound successes. New and improved are two of the most powerful words, not just in advertising, but in all business.
I’ve unintentionally just rehashed lessons from two of the greatest teachers I’ve ever had. Not necessarily teachers in the classroom alone, but teachers along my journey as a person. I’m fortunate enough to have regularly contact with both of them. One of these teachers is now one of my bosses. The other is an extraordinary individual who guided me through an athletic career, at a collegiate and professional level, that was filled with endless uphill battles and tribulations.
Hopefully this altitude induced rant has allowed me to impart some of my learnings upon you. Whether you apply these lessons to your business world alone, or to your personal life as well, I only hope I did some justice in the passing on of these lessons.
Friday, July 18, 2008
As Usual, Top Class From Nike
The campaign honors memorable performances from the past as well as highlighting young talents, including Lebron James, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Wayne Rooney.
“Clearly we're going to inspire the consumer with this campaign, which is really about celebrating probably one of the most inspirational brand statements of all time,” said Joaquin Hidalgo, VP-global brand marketing at Nike.
They continue to amaze. Click here to see the spot.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Oldest Living Has Done It Again
Flying high through the sky, saving failing marketing plans everywhere, here comes… THE OLDEST LIVING DIGITAL MARKETER with..."Build a robust marketing plan in 4 steps."
And for a little UGC treat on the side, check out this mastery of voiceovers and editing.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Will Customers Understand The gPhone and Android?
Driving into work today, my buddies and I were discussing a coworker, who was at the time standing in line to get the new iPhone. He was making the switch from the Blackberry, and had vowed months earlier to never buy the iPhone. And now he is the first in our office to get the 3G. It wasn’t a huge shock; he works in digital and is a tech savvy individual.
But I started thinking of all the iPhone users who have really struggled to get hold of all the functionality the iPhone offers, as well as adjust to its interface. Apple is the king of user friendly, so it isn’t shocking when you see Baby Boomers dragging their fingers across the iPhone screen. But there has been a grace period for folks to get used to the gadget in their hand.
The expected mayhem of today’s 3G release got me thinking about Android and its future with any potential customers who don’t really understand the system. While driving to Southern California last week to celebrate July 4th, somehow or another a friend and I got to talking about the cell phone market and the gPhone. She is close to completing her education to become a nurse. She is an unbelievably smart young woman, but isn’t in the tech/digital world. After I did twenty minutes on open source and the ideas behind it, she had the glazed look of a media buyer getting trampled by a salesman pounding them with worthless information about reach and “breadth and depth.” Maybe my explanation was off or too long winded, as I tend to be, but the big idea of open source went straight over her head.
So back to my original question (man, it took me awhile to circle back); will the average consumer be aware of the control and power an open source platform like Android offers? Or will it simply fly over their heads and they’ll use it as they would their Motorola Razr? Having not seen the final interface for Android, it’s hard to speculate on how friendly it will be to the non- techie customer segments. But a part of me is very curious if the impact will be as great as it can be or is expected to be. I work in digital and I love gadgets, and even I want to go on a mental diet when reading about the latest open source platforms and gizmos that engineers are working on. It’s not an easy topic at all to wrap your head around, so trying to package it up into a small communication device like a cell phone will be quite a feat.
So Google, give us your best. You’ve done well at capturing Joe American so far. But will you finally get too smart for the average customer? Will they come running the way they do for your email client and shared calendars? Or will they shy away, sheepishly admitting that they just don’t get it. Time will tell.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
‘Oldest Living’ Has Graced iMedia
Our own Oldest Living Digital Marketer has broken onto the scene of iMedia Connection, and is gracing the pages with sales know how for all you road warriors out there.
The key to beating your quota lies right HERE.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sneaker Finds
I know I've been lagging on weekly sneaker picks, so I decided to make this one a bit more personal and find sneaks from my favorite spots around the country.
I grew up scrounging through the high stacked piles of fire hazard worthy Sportie LA on Melrose down in Los Angeles, so I figured I’d check in with them and see what limited editions they were working with right now. Yes the NBA season is over, but they are featuring a classic pair of adidas Campus 2s decked out in Laker décor that really touches my gold and purple heart.
As a local San Franciscan, I had to bring up Huf down in Hayes Valley. And since I’ve been having some great laughs at the expense of Stuff White People Like, I figured I’d fulfill the stereotype of #96 and show off these TIER 1 NBJ A22s by New Balance.
*No offense to Undefeated in LA which challenges for the #1 spot, but your site is really bothering me today; the alignment of the content is off, the radio won’t turn down, and it’s a bit too frustrating for me right now.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Happy July 4th!
In any event, happy holiday everyone!