Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just Another Reason Why Second- Life Is Ridiculous

I like to think I live life in the moment, generally not considering the consequences of my actions and for the most part having a pretty damn good time.  Yet a majority of our society seems to think this life isn't fulfilling enough, so they create another life in a virtual world... these people are dorks, to use the biggest insult the third- grade ever provided.

Enjoy some drama caused by Second- Life, and lets just say the parties involved are definitely Jerry Springer candidates. Oh, and the drama's movie rights have been optioned by Gore Verbinski.

Director Gore Verbinski and Universal have bought the rights to a 2007 Wall Street Journal article about a man whose real-life wife is jealous of the woman he married in Second-Life. The interesting part isn’t so much the planned movie as the article itself:

“It’s really devastating,” says Sue Hoogestraat, 58, an export agent for a shipping company, who has been married to Ric Hoogestraat for seven months. “You try to talk to someone or bring them a drink, and they’ll be having sex with a cartoon.”

Seriously, what does he think this is, Japan? His virtual wife, by the way, goes by “Tenaj Jackalope”.

Since February, he’s been spending six hours a night and often 14 hours at a stretch on weekends as Dutch Hoorenbeek, his six-foot-nine, muscular, motorcycle-riding cyber-self.

In the virtual world, he’s a successful entrepreneur with a net worth of about $1.5 million in the site’s currency, the linden, which can be earned or purchased through Second Life’s Web site at a rate of about 250 lindens per U.S. dollar. He owns a mall, a private beach club, a dance club and a strip club. He has 25 employees, online persons operated by other players, including a security guard, a mall concierge, a manager and assistant manager, and the “exotic dancers” at his club. He designs bikinis and lingerie, and sells them through his chain store, Red Headed Lovers.

Sounds like a cool guy. But oh shit, here comes the inevitable real-world comparison. Trust me, this is good.

Before discovering Second Life, Mr. Hoogestraat had bounced between places and jobs, working as an elementary schoolteacher and a ski instructor, teaching computer graphics and spending two years on the road selling herbs and essential oils at Renaissance fairs.

Wait a second… Essential oils? Hey, you know who’d be perfect for this role? Steven Seagal! Oh, and dudes? I’m pretty sure it’s spelled “Faire”.

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