In a game where Manchester United never looked unsettled, Wayne Rooney had a typical striker's game with a poacher's finish and an un-saveable penalty against West Bromwich Albion:
Monday, March 12, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
'Kony 2012' by Invisible Children
Easily the most important 30 minutes of content you'll watch all year.
KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Mario Balotelli Went To A Strip Club Because He Can
Mario Balotelli was caught at a Liverpool strip club early last Friday morning ahead of Man City's home match against Bolton on Saturday. And though Balotelli started and scored a goal in the 2-0 win for his side, he was still reportedly fined £250,000 for breaking the club's curfew policy.
Mario now realizes that he made a mistake that night, but more because he would've been angry if his girlfriend went to a strip club than because he violated curfew.
From the Players Association:
"I didn't do anything wrong at the [strip] club," he told Gazzetta dello Sport. "But I understand that if she [his girlfriend Raffaella Fico] had gone with her friends to a strip club, I would have been very angry.
"If you love a woman, you can avoid causing that pain. That was my first mistake. The second was to go two days before a game."
On whether he has received a £250,000 fine by City for breaking the curfew, Balotelli said: "I still don't know. I must talk with [the manager Roberto] Mancini."
So, to clarify, the fact that Raffaella Fico was one of former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's "bunga bunga girls" and that she reportedly tried to auction off her virginity for €1 million doesn't seem all that upsetting to Balotelli (or Fico for that matter), but going to a strip club with friends is something to get very angry about.
Full story: